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12 proven tips to quit porn addiction.

quit porn addiction

How to quit porn addiction is a common question that many people search for nowadays because many people are fighting with these problems, but first you have to identify if you are really addicted to porn or not.

If you watch porn once a day when you are free and you don’t have any work to do, then it’s ok, and it means you are not addicted to porn. But if you have an uncontrollable desire to watch porn and you watch the porn during your work or you watch the porn in a place where it is not appropriate to watch the porn because you can’t control your desire to watch the porn, then it can be a sign that you are addicted to porn, so let’s discuss some more signs through which you can confirm that you are addicted to porn.

Signs that show you are porn addicted. (quit porn addiction)

-You can’t stop your urge to watch the porn, which means you can’t control your desire to watch the porn.

-You don’t feel good after watching porn; you feel quit and ashamed after watching the porn. You think that you have wasted your precious time watching the porn, but then you also make the same mistake next time, and again, you feel the same.

-You can’t enjoy sex without watching porn. You have to take the help of porn while you want to do any kind of sexual activity, and you can’t enjoy sexual activity without watching porn.

-It started affecting your daily activities. When your daily activity is affected by the urge to watch porn, it can be a sign that you are addicted to porn.

-You feel irritated if you don’t watch porn.

-You feel frustrated if you don’t watch the porn for a long time.


So these are the few signs that show you are addicted to porn. If you have these types of signs, then you are addicted to porn, and you need to be aware and take action in order to quit porn addiction.

So today I am going to give you some proven

Techniques that will help you quit your porn addiction, so let’s begin.

1.) Delete all porn content from your phone and laptop.

If you have downloaded porn content on your phone or laptop, the first thing you have to do is delete all that porn from your device if you really want to quit porn addiction.

Because if the porn is downloaded on your device, it means it is easily available to you, and you can easily access that content whenever you want to. You don’t have to make any extra effort to watch the porn because it is downloaded on your phone and is available on your fingertips.

So the first thing you have to do is delete all the porn content from your phone and from your laptop. This is your first step to quitting porn addiction.

2.) Plan your day. (quit porn addiction)

You must plan your day in advance and don’t leave any free time in which you can watch porn because if you plan your day in advance, then you will do the work according to your schedule and you will not get distracted to watch the porn. So the second step you have to do in order to quit porn addiction is that you will plan your day in advance and you will follow your planned schedule without fail.

3.) Learn new skills. (quit porn addiction)


If there is free time when you plan your day and you don’t have anything to do, you can use that time to learn something new, like a new skill. If you want to quit one addiction, you have to shift your focus from that addiction to other things. If you have lots of free time and you don’t know what to do with it,

you can use that free time to learn something new, like how to play guitar, go to swimming class, or go outside and play some outdoor games like badminton, cricket, etc. These things will not only help you to quit porn addiction, but they will also help you to learn something new and make you fit.

So you must focus on learning something new if you really want to quit your porn addiction.

4.) Spend more time with friends and the family.

You usually watch porn when you are alone or when nobody is around you, so the next step you have to take in order to quit porn addiction is to avoid living alone. Always try to be surrounded by people because if you are alone, the bad thoughts will strike your brain, and you will again go in that loop and do the same, and then you will regret it later.

So don’t let this situation arise. Spend more time with your friend and the family, go out with your friend, and have some fun, or you will automatically get distracted from your porn addiction.

Whenever these types of thoughts arise in your brain, which means whenever you feel like watching porn, you should immediately stand from that place and go and sit near your family members and talk with them; they will help you to distract yourself. If no one is there at home and you get the urge to watch porn, at that time you can call your friends; this will help you to distract yourself, and slowly and gradually you will quit your porn addiction.

5.) Perform religious activity.

Another one of the best ways to quit your porn addiction is to perform religious activities. If you feel that whenever you watch porn, you neglect to perform any types of religious activities, that will provide a hindrance to watching your porn, so you use this as your barrier to quitting your porn addiction.

You must perform some religious activity daily if you want to quit your porn addiction. This will make you feel positive and happy, and this will ultimately remove your porn addiction. The religious activities you can perform are

-Pray to God after you wake up.

-Offer your ritual to God after taking a bath.

-Chant your holy mantra.

-Listen to the religious song.

So you can do all these things, and it will help you to quit porn addiction, and it will also make you positive and happy.

6.) Stop watching the content that triggers you to watch the porn.

You may have noticed that when you watch any type of sexual content, like a girl in a bikini or kissing someone in a video, your urge to watch the porn triggers. For example, if you are scrolling through integral reels and you see a hot girl at the beach, now your hormones are released and you want more types of sexual content, so you will open your browser and type porn videos, and you will waste half an hour to an hour searching for the best porn and watching it.

So you saw that all these statements were from one post or video, so it ends with watching the porn. So next time if you see this type of content on your social media handle, you must leave that post immediately, or you can tap on not interested so that Instagram will not show you this type of content next time.

7.) Make a bigger goal.

You may have heard that in order to avoid the smaller distraction, you must build a bigger distraction, so I mean to say that if you want to quit porn addiction, you must set a bigger goal in your life that will help you to distract from these small distractions, like watching porn.

For example, you can set the goal of earning x amount of money by the end of this year. This will help you to distract, and you will just think about how to earn that particular amount of money by the end of the year.

Or you can set a goal, like I will finish reading 30 books by the end of this year. This habit will not only help you avoid the distraction of porn, but you will also learn lots of things while achieving your goals.

8.) Travel

The next thing you can do to quit porn addiction is to travel, because traveling will help you to distract your mind and you will experience new things. While traveling, you will meet many kinds of people and you will see many things about how the world is.

Many people are so poor that they can’t afford a two-time meal, but you are fortunate enough that you have a house to live in, good clothes to wear, and you can eat whatever you want, so you will realize many things and you will also realize that you were doing the wrong thing.

So travel more and more, because traveling will teach you many things that you will not learn in a classroom.

9.) Discuss with your friend (quit porn addiction)

Almost everyone in his life suffers from this problem, and they may be your friends as well. You can discuss these with your friend, but discuss them with your best friend, whom you trust to help you overcome this distraction.

If he has faced this problem, then he will definitely guide you to overcome the distraction, and he will share his experience with you so you can follow the solution he will share with you.

10.) Join a support group. (quit porn addiction)

A support group is one where there are many other people who are suffering from the same problem and they all want to quit porn addiction like you do, so there will be no one to judge you because each one shares their problem with each other as they support each other to quit porn addiction.

Everyone has different experience and different ways of overcoming the problem, so you can take the advice from the group and implement whatever suits you, and you can also share your method so that it will help other people who are facing the same problem.

11.) Take help from a therapist. (quit porn addiction)

If you can’t break the porn addiction by yourself, you can take the help of a therapist, who is basically there for these purposes only, which means their main purpose is to take you out of any kind of addiction.

So you can visit a therapist who is well trained or has specialized in sex or porn addiction; they will definitely help you with that.

12.) Try medication suggested by the psychiatrist. (quit porn addiction)

You can also visit the psychiatrist if all the above-mentioned methods don’t work for you. The psychiatrist has expertise in dealing with your brain, and they will find out the real cause of this addiction. These addictions can also be caused by depression and anxiety, so they will find out the proper cause of your addiction and provide the proper medication that will help you recover.


Watching porn once in a while is not a big issue; everyone watches porn, and it’s normal to watch porn. It’s also legal to watch porn if you are above a certain age, but it becomes a problem when you can’t stop yourself from watching it.

It’s become a problem when it affects your mental health; it’s a problem when it affects your relationships with your family members and your friends; it’s a problem when you can’t do your work because all day you are just thinking about the porn.

So if this type of situation is with you, you need to quit porn addiction; otherwise, it will create a lot of problems not only today but also tomorrow.

So if you are dealing with the porn addiction, then you can try all the above-mentioned solutions, and if you follow them constantly, you will definitely overcome your porn addiction. I know if you are willing to quit the porn addiction, you will do it, which is why you are reading this.

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