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How to talk to a girl you saw first time? 14 tips

When a person reaches a particular age he wants to know How to talk to a girl because his hormones change and he is attracted to girls of the opposite gender. If he wants to talk to other girls, it is not necessary that his motive for talking be to make the other girl his girlfriend; it can be just to make him his friend.

And I know it always happens with you that you see a girl in the market and you want to talk to her, but you don’t have the guts to make the first move and talk to that girl because you have fear that she will slap you, so due to this fear, you don’t make the first move, and again, the same thing happens with you whenever you see a beautiful girl.

So today in this article, I will give you some tips on how to approach a girl you see and like, and you want to make him your friend, so let’s start.

1.) Breaking the ice. (How to talk to a girl)

It is you who have to make the first move. Your first move depends on the situation where you are. For example, if you are at the restaurant and you see a girl to whom you want to talk and want to make him your friend, your first move is to break the ice.

If you are at the restaurant, then you can simply break the ice by asking for some favor. I am not saying you should ask him to pay your bill. You can just say to her, Can you pass the salt? Or you can ask him which food you like the best in this restaurant so that I can order it for myself. This way, you can break the ice and start the conversation.

2.) Make eye contact. (How to talk to a girl)

But for example if you are in a street or in a mall and you saw a girl and you started liking her then now how you can break the ice here so first make the eye contact with that girl if she also make the eye contact with you than you can proceed further but if she doesn’t makes the eye contact with you than you should not proceed further because it is necessary that if both of you should have interest with each

other if one doesn’t have interest with other than there cannot be a good friendship so first you have to check for the signal that if she has also interest in you or not if you get the first signal than you can proceed further if she also make the eye contact with you than the second step is to make a smile and if she also make a smile if she also smiles back then it’s a green flag and you have to see if it’s a genuine smile or it’s a just formality you can know that by the way of her smile.

3.) Wait for the positive sign from her side. (How to talk to a girl)

Now don’t stop gazing at her; if she gazes at you constantly, if she also gazes at you constantly, then it’s a positive sign and she’s also interested in you. Now don’t approach her immediately. Wait for the next day.

If she makes eye contact with you and smiles, then it’s a 100% sign that she is also interested in you. The next step is to have a conversation with her about what she is doing. If she is going to college or to the office, you can approach her by saying hi to him and asking him in which college she studies or at which company she works.

4.) Watch for the positive body sign. (How to talk to a girl)

Watch her body language. Whether or not she is making any type of positive body sign, like playing with her hair while talking to you or making her body forward while talking to you, if she shows these types of body language, then this is positive body language and it shows that she is interested in talking to you.

But if she shows negative body language, she is not interested in talking to you. For example, if she turns away while talking to you, uses her phone while talking to you and you feel like she is ignoring you, you should avoid talking to her because a negative body language shows that she is not interested in talking to you.

5.) Make her talk about herself. (How to talk to a girl)


If you get all the positive signs, you can proceed further. Now you don’t only have to talk about yourself because a good conversation is about give and take. You should be an active listener in a conversation. This rule does not apply to here only, but it applies to all the palaces, whether you talk with your friend or talk to any of your family members. A good conversation means a good listener

because people don’t have the habit of listing; they just need to talk about themselves and don’t want to listen to others. They listen only so that as soon as the other person finishes their word, they can talk about themselves.

But you don’t have to do the same if you want to make a good impression in front of that girl, and you must encourage him to talk about herself, listen to him very carefully, and give him a positive smile while talking to him. This will build a good relationship between both of you.

6.) Use an open-ended question. (How to talk to a girl)

In order to avoid the lack of conversation between both of you ask a open ended question with her an open ended question is one in which there is an answer which Is other than then yes or no for example you should not ask the question do you like pop music

because the answer of this will be in the yes or no but if you ask the question like what kind of music do you like then the answer will be broad which will increase the time of conversation between both of you and don’t just ask the question like a teacher give your opinion also like if she says I like the pop music then you also tell that which type of music you likes and which singer you like on that categories of music and tell why you like the particular type of the music.

7.) Talk about yourself. (How to talk to a girl)

Don’t just throw the question at her; you also talk about yourself. If she asks you any type of question, give him an honest answer. Don’t say a lie to impress her because, in order to hide one lie, you will have to say 20 more lies. So be honest with your answer and give it in impressive ways so that she feels good while listening to you. This will help you to understand each other in a better way.

8.) Ask for the phone number or any social media handle. (How to talk to a girl)

If everything goes well and you feel that she is also good at talking to you, then you can proceed further by requesting that, if you don’t mind, you give me your number or your Instagram ID so that we can follow up in the future. And if she is also really interested in you, she will definitely give you her number or her Instagram ID.

Things you must consider while talking with her.

9.) Be confident. (How to talk to a girl)

You must be confident while talking with her because a girl like the boy who is confident must be confident while talking with her because when you are confident, she will feel good around you.

Because when you do not feel confident, she will not trust you. Because girls like men who can talk with them with confidence, if you look nervous and have low confidence, she will not trust you, and your story will end there.

10.) Be yourself (How to talk to a girl)

Don’t try to fake yourself; be what you are; don’t try to become something that you are not really. For example, if she likes to make an Instagram reel but you don’t like to make a reel, you can tell him that you like the reels but you don’t like to make the reel.

Don’t think that she will avoid you if you say that, but she will feel happy that you are true and you are not just telling lies to make him impress.

So a girl is like a person who is true to himself and doesn’t say lies to just impress others, so be true to yourself. This will also help you to have more confidence.

11.) be confident, but don’t be arrogant. (How to talk to a girl)

It’s good to be confident, but it’s not okay to look arrogant. Don’t be arrogant in order to look more confident because this will make him feel uncomfortable near you, and she can leave you when she feels that you are becoming arrogant with her, like you don’t show yourself more that you have much money and you have had lots of girlfriends in the past. There are many girls who are stalking you.

Don’t talk this kind of rubbish because this will make your bad image in front of her, and she may not be interested in talking to you anymore. So you must consider these things before talking to a girl next time when you talk with them.

12.) Don’t ask the boring question. (How to talk to a girl)

Please don’t ask the boring question in the first meeting because the first impression is the last impression, so avoid asking the boring question like the personal question. Don’t ask the personal question because a girl doesn’t like to tell about her personal life to a guy in a first meeting.

For example, you should avoid asking what his father does for a living and how many family members he has. Instead, you should ask about him, like what types of food she likes. Who is her favorite singer, or which place is she willing to travel to in the future? What are her favorite games?

So if you ask these types of questions, the conversation will not become boring, and she will also enjoy talking to you.

13.) Dress well. (How to talk to a girl)

Before approaching a girl, you must be dressed well and properly groomed because the first things a girl notices are your personality and your dressing sense, so you must be properly dressed.

Your dress should be neat and clean, and your shoes must also be neat and clean. You must also apply a good fragrance because fragrance plays a very important role in attracting the other person, so you must apply a light fragrance. And also a mouth freshener so that bad smell should not come from your mouth.

14.) Give respect. (How to talk to a girl)

Always give respect to the girls, because a girl likes the person who gives respect to them, and when you give respect, she will also give respect to you. Don’t talk unnecessary things with her that make her feel uncomfortable; talk about things that do not affect her dignity.

For example, don’t ask her in the first meeting if she has a boyfriend or not, or don’t ask silly questions like if she is virgin or not. If you ask these types of questions that affect her dignity, she will think you are not a good person to date him, and she will leave you.

So if you don’t want this kind of situation, then please don’t ask foolish questions with her and always respect her choice and the decision, whether you like her choice or not.

For example, he likes to make reels, but you don’t like making reels on Instagram, so don’t disrespect her by saying that good people don’t make reels and all this stuff. Instead, you say that it’s good that you make reels on Instagram. You should do more hard work and increase your follower, but I am not interested in making reels on Instagram.

CONCLUSION on (How to talk to a girl)

So these are the few steps you can try to approach a girl, and don’t get afraid to do this because, no matter what happens, she will reject you. It’s ok to try other things; this will build up your confidence, and one day you will definitely become successful in making a new girl friend.

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