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Is it good too have sex before marriage?

(things that girls like in a boy)

Sex before marriage it very interesting topic and everyone one when they enter their teen age or when they attain there maturity they want to experience the sexual pleasure and it natural because at this time various hormones produce in the body that urge you to have the sexual pleasure so in starting you willful your sexual pleasure by masturbating and it type of similar pleasure that you have during the sex but after a certain you want more because it the nature of the human to have more and more


so you want to explore more on sex and you want to have sex with the opposite gender to explore more about body of opposite gender and have more sexual pleasure now the person has two choice either he should wait until he/she get married and enjoy the beautiful moment with his partner or he/she should have sex before the marriage with the his girlfriend so there cannot be direct answer for it depend upon person to person

and I will let you find out what can be good for you and you can decide on the basic of your preferences so I will tell you the pros and cons of sex before marriage and I will also give the opinion of myself on this topic  so lets begin and let me tell you I am not the person to decide for you what is good and what is bad for you I am just giving the opinion of the majority who have gone through this face.

The pros of having sex before marriage

1.) Experience

One of the first advantage of having sex before marriage is that you get to know about the opposite gender in deep and you know how to do sex properly and what are the g spot of your partner because sex is not only about satisfying yourself in sex you have to satisfy your partner also

then only it will be called as the good sex but don’t think that girl satisfy through only penetration you may have watched the porn and you have mind make up that the more you last in the bed than your partner will get satisfy but it is not like that the satisfaction of the girls depend upon the many factor like foreplay act before doing sex and creating a beautiful environment so there are you will know when you can talk these types of things with a girl to whom you are closely attracted and have done the sex with that girl so she can guide you to have the good sex with him.

So if you will know all these things before marriage, then you can have better sex with your partner, and she will also feel good when you will cooperate with him in having the sex. This is the first advantage of having sex before marriage, but if you don’t have sex before marriage, then your first night with your wife can be not so good because it is your first time, and maybe it is the first time for your wife, so the first time can be a challenging task for you, but it will get better after the time, and you both can also enjoy the sex life.

2.) Better compatibility with the partner

If you are bad in the bed with your wife than it can affect your marriage life because sex is the essential part of the marriage because now you have the legal right to have sex with your wife but with his consent and if you can’t able to perform well in the sex than it can be bad for both of you because like a person want food water and clothes a person also want a better sex

so if you will have good sex with your wife than she will be happy and you will also feel happy and your marriage life will go well but if you can’t satisfy your wife or your husband than there can be conflict between you and your partner and your partner will try to find someone else to fulfill his/her desire and in many countries it is legal to have sex outside marriage so sex Is very important part of the marriage and it is necessary to fulfill the sexual desire of the partner.

3.) Better understanding with the partner

If you do sex with the person to whom you will marry in the future, it will create a strong bond with your partner, and it will also help you understand your partner in a better way because when you do sex, you are not just physically involved with your partner; you are also involved mentally with your partner, and it creates an emotional attachment with your partner, which improves your relationship and makes your relationship stronger. This is another benefit of having sex before marriage.

4.) Happiness

Everyone know  sex  gives us happiness and when you have sex you both feel happy which makes the bond more stronger because you both are physically and mentally connected with each other and there is more chance that person will not leave you because you have share you most precious moment of your life with each other but this is not always true so you have to test your partner

that he or she will marry you in the future than only you should give the consent or he/she just want the sexual pleasure and there is no interest to do marriage in the future but if you serious to get married in the future than you can have the sex with each other because through sex you both will feel happy and when there is the happiness in the relationship than that relationship is the good relationship.

Cons of having sex before marriage.

1.) Loss of interest.

Sex is the one of the very precious moment between the partner and it very exciting but if you already have the sex before the marriage with your on partner or with someone else than there will not be that interest to have the sex because you have already explored the things and you will not feel that much excitement but if you have not done the sex before the marriage than you will be very excited to have the sex with your partner

and you will have the lots of the things to discover may be first time will not be the best but you both will experiment and make the sex more better and exciting this will create a strong foundation between the both of you because you both are doing the first time this will create the more strong foundation between the partner because the person has share the precious moment of life with his partner only and not with any other person so this will make the relationship more stronger.

But if you have already done the sex before the marriage, then the things will not be much exciting for you because you have already done those things before and don’t have much to expose, and this can create a problem between the couple because they will lose interest in each other and they will keep distance with each other, which will create problems in the relationships.

2.) Fear of sexually transmitted diseases.

Another cons of having sex before marriage is that having fear of sexually transmitted disease many people do sex with anyone who is giving his consent to have sex with him because sex is everyone one need and when to people need sex they agrees to have sex with each other without having any kind of relationship so this can create a serious problems because having sex with anyone

can expose you to the STD with is very serious types of problem like HIV and AIDS and these types of disuse are incurable and anyone will not marry with you in the future if you have encountered with any types of problems so you should not have the sex with anyone to whom you don’t know and you should also should not have the sex with prostitutes because chance of sexually transmitted disease increase with the prostitutes.

3.) Lack of focus in other aspects of life.

Ones main goal before marriage it to focus on the carrier and earn money so can fulfill our own desire and the desire of our family but when you involve in these types of activity your focus will shift from your carrier to the sex and you will always be hungry for it the more you do the more your mind will demand for the sex

and you will shift your focus from the main aspect of the life to the sex so in your 20s your main goal is to focus on the carrier and make a better life for your family and after you have settled in the life than you can do the marriage and can have sex as much as you want and no one will interfere in your sex life because you are doing sex with your wife and not with someone else.

4.) Feelings of guilt and shame

Another cons of having sex before marriage is the felling of the guilt and the shame there are many people who fell shame and guilt after having sex with any other person before the marriage and that guilt will be for life time because once you have done sex with someone you cannot reverse it back

and whenever you will see that person in the future you will feel shame for example you have done sex with someone and you married after some year with the other person and you are going somewhere with your wife and child and somehow you meet with that person with whom you have done sex and she tell you do you remember that night than imagine how bad you will feel at that time so it is better to wait till marriage rather than felling shame.

5.) Fear of pregnancy

Another and one of the biggest cons of having sex before marriage is the fear of pregnancy. If you have had unprotected sex with anyone and she becomes pregnant, it will be a very tough situation for you. In many countries, abortion is completely illegal. Now, you are in trouble from both sides. If you have an abortion, you will go to jail, and if you keep the baby, you will have to marry that person and feed the child. You have done it for entertainment purposes, but now it has become a liability for you, and now you need to take care of that child and the mother of the child.

6.) Fear of getting divorce

If you have already done sex with the multiple person before the marriage than you will not enjoy much with your partner because you have the habit of doing sex with the multiple person but after the marriage you will be supposed to have the sex with you partner only and not with anyone else so you will not feel good and you will try to have extra marital affairs you will try to do sex with someone else

because you have the habit of having the seas with the multiple person so will try this after your marriage also and this can create a very serious problem like if your partner came to know abbot your extra marital affair than your partner can demand diverse from you because in law adultery is the ground for the divorce means a person can seek divorce with his partner if he finds that he or she is having the extra marital affair and there is also research show that the person who have done the sex before the marriage have the higher chance of divorce than the person who have not done the sex before the marriage.


My opinion.

According to my opinion, sex is not only the penetration of the private parts; it is more than that, and sex is a very precious moment. According to my opinion, one should not have sex with the prostitute or any other person to whom you are doing sex, not just for fun.

Sex is a very precious moment that should be done with the person to whom you love the most, to whom you have married, or to whom you are going to marry if you know that you will marry that particular person in the future and you are 100% sure about that, and your family also knows about this. From my perspective, you can have sex with your partner, but if you are not sure that you will marry that person, you should not have sex with someone else. Just keep your virginity for that special person to whom you will get married.


Overall thought

So this is all about that, and now it’s your choice. Everyone is different, and everyone thought some would agree with me and some would not, and it’s ok. Sex before marriage is everyone’s personal choice; it should be decided by you and your partner after seeing all the pros and cons of having sex before marriage.

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