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Which is better love marriage or an arranged marriage? 6 tips

love marriage or an arranged marriage  is one of the most essential parts of everyone’s life, and almost everyone has to do it; some do it at their 20s and some do it in their 30s, so it depends on the person and their lifestyle.

And in the marriage also, there are two types of marriage. The first is arrange marriage, and the second is love marriage. In an earlier period, arrange marriage was a more preferred option, and mostly people do it.

But as time changes, situations also change, and now a day’s people are more likely to prefer love marriage. They think that arrange marriage is scary, but the thing is, everything has pros and cons. As it applies to marriage, we cannot say that love marriage is 100% correct or that arrange marriage is 100% correct. Both have pros and cons, so let’s discuss the pros and cons of both types of marriage.

So before discussing the pros and cons of both types of marriage, let’s first know what arranged marriage is and what love marriage is.

What is an arranged marriage?  (Which is better love marriage or an arranged marriage)

Arranged marriage is a marriage where both parties don’t know each other before they meet each other with the help of a third party, and the main purpose of the meeting is to come into a bond over the marriage. The third person that helps them meet together can be their parents or any other relative. They meet together and then decide whether they have to marry or not.

This type of marriage means that arrangements mostly take place in religious-based communities, like in India, where people check each aspect of the other party before agreeing to make marriage happen.

Most people believe that there is no consent of the bride and groom involved in the arrangement of marriage, but it is not like that. In earlier days, you could say that there was no consent of the bride and groom;

all the decisions were taken by the parents of the bride and groom, but now the situation is not like that. Although the parents or third party find matches, the decision is given by the bride and groom. If they both are ready for the marriage, then only marriage takes place; otherwise, marriage doesn’t take place.

What is a love marriage? (Which is better love marriage or an arranged marriage)

In a love marriage, there is no third party involved in the couple’s matches; the couple meets themselves, and it is not like that. Initially, they may have been just friends, but as time passed, their friendship grew into a relationship, and they began to love each other, and now they want to marry. The parents’ consent is not required.

The concept of a love marriage is mainly seen in the West, where parents give their children the right to choose their partner and it does not create any type of mess, but now this culture is spreading all over the world.

So let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a love marriage (Which is better love marriage or an arranged marriage)

Advantage of a love marriage.

1.) Choice

One of the biggest advantages of a love marriage is that you get the choice to marry them to whom you love, and you have the full freedom to choose the girl you like, and you can make him or her your future wife.

You will choose those people who match with you and with whom you are compatible with each other in many aspects of life, like mentally and emotionally, like you can choose the partner with whom you share your interests, like if you are a religious person, you will choose the person who is also religious so that there is no communication gap between you and your partner.

2.) Understanding

The second advantage of a love marriage is the understanding, because in a love marriage both parties know each other and have shared lots of valuable time with each other, so there is better understanding between the two parties, and they don’t have to put much effort into the marriage

because they are just one step away from it, which means they have to just perform the ceremony of the marriage or they have to complete the registration of the marriage. It depends on the person to person in which way they have to solemnize their marriage.

3.) Love

Next, the most important thing that is present in a love marriage is love, which is the most important ingredient in the relationship. In a love marriage, first there is love and then there is marriage, but in an arranged marriage, first there is marriage and then there is love. But in a love marriage, by default, there is love. The partner feels more empowered in the relationship because they have already established a strong relationship with each other by spending a lot of valuable time with each other.

Disadvantages of a Love Marriage

1.) Disapproval by the family member.

One  of the biggest advantage of the love marriage is disapproval by the parents if you will leave separate from your parents after the marriage then there is no big issue but if you will leave with your parents after the marriage then there can be issue if your disapprove with your marriage there will be lots of trouble will occur in your life if your parents are not happy with the partner you have chosen

because ultimately all of you have to live together and if one member in the family does not like the other member in the family than it will create a lots of stress to you and your partner which can result into anxiety, depression etc so this can be one disadvantage of the love marriage if you parent doesn’t like your partner but if your parents are supportive and they have no issue with the partner you have chosen than no such type of dispute will arise.

2.) Social stigma

The next biggest disadvantage of a love marriage is the social stigma. if you marry a person who is not of your caste or your religion then society will tease you they will look at you with a bad eye they will consider you a bad person and this can create a lot of insecurity to you and your partner and

many people leave there place to avoid this social stigma and will treated you as a bad example society will give you as a bad example to their children that see he has gone to study but he has fall in love and married  a girl without the permission of their parents so if you are ready to accept these stigma than you can do love marriage but these type of situation is not in all the society many society accept the love marriage and they also promote the love marriage.

3.) Loss of interest.

It is found in the survey that love marriage leads to a loss of interest after some period of time because in the love marriage, the couples have already experienced everything that a person does after a marriage, like sharing all their life experiences with each other, and many also have their sex before marriage in the relationship, so there is nothing to explore more in the relationship, so the couple gets easily bored in the relationship, and sometimes this also leads to divorce in many cases.

And there is also a study that shows that love marriages have more divorce cases as compared to arranged marriages.

Now let’s come arrange marriage.

Advantages of an arranged marriage.

1.) Family support

One of the biggest advantages of arranged marriage is the support of the family, because it is your family who chooses the right partner for you, and they choose a partner after considering all the factors. They choose the person not just by looking at him, but by looking at all the family background of the person. Family background also matters in a relationship, but in arranging marriage, a person sees only the person with whom he or she wants to get married.

With the assurance of the family comes confidence, and thus the family helps both partners to break the communication gap between each other, and the family also supports them to build a stronger relationship, which is like a win-win situation for both partners and for the family as a whole.

2.) Commitment

The next advantage of the arranged marriage is the commitment. Couples are more committed in the arranged marriage because they already have the mindset that they have to spend their whole lives with the person, so they are more committed toward each other. Another reason they are committed to each other is that all the family members are involved in the marriage, which makes the marriage more compatible. The family helps the partner understand each other and provides proper guidance on how to make the relationship more compatible.

So both couples are more committed to each other, and they spend their lives with ease because they are supported by their families.

3.) Opportunity to explore

Because both people have not met each other before, they have lots of things that they can share with each other and spend their precious time on. This will create a strong bond between the couples since they haven’t met each other before and they also have not done sex, so they also experiment with these things in their lives, which makes their relationship stronger and more pure, and they start loving each other and enjoying their life journey with each other.

Disadvantages of arranging marriage

1.) Family pressure

The first disadvantage of the arrange marriage is the family pressure because in the arrange marriage, first both families meet each other, and if they are satisfied with each other, then they permit the couple to meet each other since both families are already satisfied with each other, so there is a lot of pressure on the couple to accept each other because, in order to reject each other, you must have a valid reason to reject the other person, but if you don’t have a valid reason to reject, then it’s a kind of pressure to accept the other person and do the marriage.

2.) Lack of love

Another disadvantage of arranged marriage is the lack of love because the couple meets each other and after a few meetings they marry each other, so at the start there is a lack of love between the couples because love is not like a machine that you take and it will show its effect within a few minutes. Love needs time; it happens with time, so the couple has to spend a lot of time together to establish the love between them, so it takes time to understand each other and fall in love with each other.

Which one is the best: a love marriage or an arranged marriage?

There is no proven technique to determine which one is best for you; it depends on person to person. There are a lot of successful love marriages, and there are also a lot of examples of unsuccessful love marriages. The same is true with arranged marriages, so if you truly love someone not just for their physical appearance but also in all other aspects, and the same other person also does the same, then you can definitely get married to your partner.

But if you haven’t found anyone to whom you truly love but you want to be in a relationship, then you can arrange a marriage.

Tips for a happy relationship. (Which is better love marriage or an arranged marriage)

1.) Talk openly. If you want to build a happy married life, then you must talk openly with your partner. If there is any type of question, confusion, or misunderstanding between you and your partner, then you must talk openly with your partner. This will help you to resolve the dispute, and if there was any confusion, then that will also get solved.

2.) Compromise: in order to make the relationship smooth, you must learn to compromise things, because when you are ready to compromise, your partner will also compromise for you. But if you don’t compromise in a relationship, how can you expect your partner to compromise?

3.) Spend quality time together: spend quality time with each other; this will bring you closer and help you understand each other more. You can take your partner out for dinner, or you can take him on a movie date.


So with these simple steps, you can make your relationship stronger, and by comparing all the pros and cons of a love marriage and an arranged marriage, you can decide which one is better for you. I hope this article has helped you.


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