self help

How do you know if a girl likes you but is hiding it? 17 signs that indicate a girl is attracted to you.

You are confused and you are searching for How do you know if a girl likes you or about whether she likes you or not. Don’t worry, you are not the only one who is searching for this answer. Almost everyone has this question: whether a girl likes him or not.

At this age, it is very natural to be attracted toward a girl, and when you are attracted toward a girl, for example, if you have a crush on some girls and you want to know whether she likes you or not, or if it is only you who just have a crush on that girl, you are stressed that if she thinks about you or she doesn’t care about you whether you exist or not, so don’t worry, we will discuss some signs that will let you know if she has some feelings for you or not.

1.) She makes eye contact, plays with his hair, or acts childish. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

If the girl makes eye contact with you and it’s not just one time but it is frequent, and while making eye contact she also gives you a smile, then it can be a green signal for you, which means it is a high probability that she likes you.

Next, if the girl plays with his hair while talking to you or asks like a child whenever you are near him, she becomes nervous while you are around. This means that she has some feelings for you, and that’s why she is feeling nervous near you. I remember when I was in school, I had a crush on a girl, but I was not sure whether she liked me or not. But I have noticed one thing: whenever I was near him,

she acted like a child, and she always became nervous when I was near him. I don’t know about the fact that these are the green signals, and I never approached her, so you don’t do the same mistake whenever you get these signals. Go and talk to him. She will definitely talk to you because you only have to make the first move. Girls will rarely make the first move. She will wait for you to make the first move. So make the first move. Don’t think much.

2.) She uses lots of emojis while talking to you. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

If you chat with that girl, then go back to the chat and see if she uses lots of emoji. In the text, does the emoji contain the heart or love emoji? Because girls only send emojis to the person they trust, and like anything else, girls will not send as many emojis. If she sends you lots of love emoji and heart eye emoji, there is a chance that she may like you, but this is not a 100% sign. You must look for other signs or you can directly ask her.

3.) She laughs at all your jokes. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

Next time, whenever you meet him, crack a joke and see his reaction. If she laughs at your jokes or comments on your jokes, then there is a chance that she likes you, or you can send some jokes to him through chat. If she sends you a funny reaction or makes a funny comment on your jokes, then there is a green signal that she may like you.

4.) She wants you to know that she is single. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

Give attention to his conversation. if she tell you in the conversation that she is single means that she don’t have any boyfriend and she makes you feel special than there is highly a chance that she like you and want you to make her boyfriend or if she is not telling you directly that she is single

you can ask her directly that weather she has boyfriend or not if she say that she don’t have any boyfriend because a girl will only tell you trust if she likes you if she don’t like you she will tell you that she has boyfriend weather she has or not.

So if a girl makes you feel that she is single, then there is a high chance that she likes you and wants you to be her boyfriend.

5.) She feels very happy when you compliment her. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

Next time, whenever you meet him, give him an honest compliment about his looks or about his dress. You can say to her that today you are looking very gorgeous, or you can say that today you are looking very beautiful in this dress.

If she gets excited with your compliment or feels very happy with your compliment, there can be a chance that she likes you secretly because when a normal person compliments a girl about his looks or about his

dress, she will not get much excitement, but if she gets complemented by the person to whom she likes, she gets very excited, so if it happens with you, it is a green signal that a girl likes you.

6.) She wants to keep the conversation going. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

I girls will only talk to the person to whom she fully trusts because she has a lot of options to talk to other people, but if a girl is talking to you and she likes talking to you and spends time with you on talking, then you are special to him, and she also asks about you, like

What kind of food do you like?

What kind of music do you like?

Who is your favorite singer?

What do you want to do in the future?

If a girl asks you this type of question, there is a high probability that she might like you and want to build a relationship with you. If you see this type of signal, you can proceed further and ask her for a date, and she will definitely agree to the date.

7.) She likes when you touch her or she touches you during talk. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

How do you know if a girl likes you

Try touching her, but don’t touch a girl whom you don’t know well. You should only touch when some of the above-mentioned criteria are in your favor, so when you are talking to him, sit near him and observe his behavior. If she feels uncomfortable and moves away from you, she may not be comfortable with you,

and you may need to spend more time with her. But if she doesn’t move away, instead she smiles or feels happy when you sit near him, and she feels safe near you, so it is again a green signal for you, and you can tell her your feelings.

8.) Observe the reaction of her friend when you are around her. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

If she really likes you, then she won’t be able to resist telling her friend about you. So how can you know if she has discussed you with her friend? So here are a few things through which you can know if she has told her friend about you.

If her friends smile at you whenever you both are together,.

Or her friend’s passing comment related to you to that girl.

Or her friend teases her with your name.

So if you observe this kind of behavior with her friends, that means she has told them about you. And if she told his friend about you, then it means she likes you. And to conform, you can also take the help of her friend; you can directly ask her friend whether she likes me or not. This way, you can conform.

9.) She agrees to go out with you. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

Ask her to go out with you if she likes you; she will definitely agree with you. Ask her to go to a movie or ask her to go out and have lunch; if she agrees, it’s a green flag for you, and you can tell your feelings while you both are together.

Or in staring, you can just ask if we can go for a coffee; if she agrees, then again, after some time, asks for a dinner date; if she agrees, it means she likes you, and you can proceed further and say your heartfelt feelings.

10.) She complements you. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

A girl rarely compliments a guy. If she compliments you about your looks or about your dress and makes you smile while complimenting, it means that she is interested in you and she likes you. She also replies to every story you post on social media and gives a good comment whenever you post your picture on the social media platform. If she shows her sign, then there is a high possibility that she likes you and wants to make you her boyfriend.

11.) She remembers the things you tell her. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

She remembers the little things you tell her; it means she is interested in you, and she gives all her attention while talking with you, which means she is mindful while talking to you. For example, if she remembers the last deadline to submit your project and reminds you about it, that means she doesn’t want you to be in trouble.

12.) She copies your behavior. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

She mimics you and copies your behavior, or she uses the words you often use. If she does these types of things, it’s a sure sign that she is interested in you, that she likes you, and that she wants to be yours. So if you see these types of signs, don’t waste time telling her what you feel about him.

13.) She asks for your help with little things. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

How do you know if a girl likes you

A girl likes attention, especially from those to whom she likes, so a girl will do some practices to grab your attention. She will ask for your help in the little things to grab your attention.

That work can be done without you, but she will ask for your help because she wants attention from you. If a girl wants attention from you, it means that she is interested in you and she likes you, so you can proceed further to make your friendship into a relationship.

14.) She shares with you his personal issue. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

If a girl shares with you his personal details that she usually doesn’t share with any other person, like his personal family issue or his personal problem, like if she has fought with his mother or father and she shares with you about the fight so that she can feel relaxed, then it means that

she fully trusts and is comfortable with you in talking about all his personal issues, and she also encourages you to talk about your personal issues with her, which means that she really cares about you and wants to come into a relationship with you.

15.) She responds positively to your flirting. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

When a girl responds positively to your flirting, it means that she likes you and she doesn’t feel uncomfortable while you flirt with her. A girl will never like it if a person flirts with her whom she doesn’t like, but if she gives a positive response to your flirt, it means that she feels for you and she may like you.

16.) She makes extra effort to look attractive when she knows you will meet today. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

How do you know if a girl likes you

If a girl likes you, then she will make an extra effort to look more attractive and beautiful so that she can impress you and make you fall in love with her. For example, if you are going to meet her and she wears your favorite color dress, or she makes her hair style in such a way that you like it, or she does extra makeup to impress you, she will think that you will give her a positive compliment. So if these happen, then it is 100% certain that she likes you and wants to impress you.

And next, your duty is to give compliments about her looks and dress because, for that purpose, only she has done all this stuff, so it’s your duty to give compliments to her.

17.) She feels jealous when you talk to other girls. (How do you know if a girl likes you)

A girl will never like that if a person she likes talks to another person. You can try this experiment, like when you notice that she is around, you go and talk to other girls and observe their behavior. If she feels jealous and asks you questions like what you were talking about with that girl, it means that she likes you and doesn’t want you to talk with other girls.


So these are the few signs a girl shows when they like any particular guy, and if you are confused about whether the girl likes you or not, you can match all these signs and determine if she really likes you or not. It is not necessary that all the signs match; if a few signs match, you can proceed further and ask her if she is interested in you or not.



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