Privacy Policy

Theusahouse ( ‘ the Site ‘ ) is committed to protecting your ( ‘ the website visitor’s ‘ ) privacy . Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect , use , disclose and protect your information . By visiting , you acknowledge and fully understand theusahouse Privacy Policy and freely consent to the collection of information and the practices described in this document .


When you or your digital devices interact with our website , we may collect personal data and other details about you . Some of the information we may collect from you includes :

▪ Personal Data That You Provide : This is information that could be used to identify you or which can be associated with you . We collect your personal details , such as your name , email address telephone number , and physical address , when you voluntarily provide them . For example , when you follow or subscribe to the blog , when you leave a comment on one of our blog posts , or when you send us an email either directly or through our contact form . By voluntarily providing us with your personal data , you consent to our use of it under this Privacy Policy .You agree that such personal data may be transferred from your current location to us at theusahouse

Non – Identifiable or Aggregated Data : When you interact with theusahouse , we may receive and store certain non – personally identifiable information . For example , your geo location , browser version , browser type , cookies from your browser , and device ID . Such data is collected automatically using technology , such as Google Analytics and Facebook Analytics . theusahouse may store such details itself , or the data may be included in databases owned and maintained by the third party such as search engines and ads network


If you choose to provide us with your personal data for a particular reason , we may use your data in connection with that reason . For instance , if you send us an email with a particular concern , we will use the data you provide to answer your question or resolve your issue . We may also use this information to share details about services , content , or opportunities we believe will interest you . If we do so , the marketing materials we send you will contain instructions on how you can opt out or unsubscribe from receiving similar communication in the future if you are not interacted
Additionally , theusahouse may use the information we collect from you to create new content or improve the quality of the services and products we offer .


Any information we collect from you , whether by ourselves or through third parties , is an important part of our relationship with you , and thus , theusahouse will not sell , rent , or trade it . We may , however , share your information with third parties in some circumstances . For example , with our affiliate partners , analytics providers , customer service providers , marketing and advertising agencies , and in case of business transfers or mergers , among other scenarios requiring sharing information with third parties .


This Privacy Policy shall not apply to any unsolicited information you provide to theusahouse through other means . This includes information posted in public areas , such as in the comment sections of blog posts and pages . Any unsolicited information you choose to share publicly shall be deemed non confidential , and theusahouse , as well as anyone else who comes across it , shall be free to reproduce , use , disclose , distribute and exploit it without limitation or attribution .


This Privacy Policy applies only to our site , Aisles of Life . To provide further details or for reference , the content we post may contain external links to other websites not operated or controlled by us ( i.e. Third Party Sites ) . Please note that the policies and procedures described here do not apply to the sites we link to or their owners . We suggest contacting those websites directly to learn about their privacy policies .


This site uses affiliate links from partners such as Amazon , meaning that we earn a commission if you purchase something by clicking our link . There will be no additional costs and hence the price you pay for the products and services we recommend will be the same whether you use our affiliate links or go directly to the vendor’s website using a non affiliate link .


Aisles of Life retains the data we collect from you for as long as it is needed to conduct and operate our business or until you ask us to delete it . If you would like us to erase your data , you can contact us using the details . below . Please note that we cannot control the data retention policies of third parties .


Aisles of Life cares about the security of your personal information , and hence , we maintain reasonable and appropriate physical , technical , and procedural safeguards to help keep it safe . However , no Internet , email , or other electronic transmission is ever 100 % secure or error – free . Thus , while we strive to use all the possible means to protect your personal data , we cannot and do not guarantee its absolute security . By continuing to use our website , you fully understand this .


One of the ways we monetize our content on theusahouse is by placing advertisements on the site . For this , we have partnered with advertising networks such as Google . To help understand your interests and serve you relevant adverts , Google and our other advertising partners track your behavior while on our website and other sites across the Internet using cookies . These cookies do not usually contain any information that personally identifies a user , but the personal data we store about you may be linked to the details stored in and obtained from cookies .
By using this site , you consent to the use of such cookies and the sharing of data captured by Google and our other third – party partners .

What you can do to manage cookies ;

▪ You can view , delete or add interest categories associated with your browser by visiting . com .

▪ You can also opt – out / block cookies in your browser . However , please note that although you could still use the theusahouse site even after rejecting cookies , certain features and functionalities may not be available to you , and / or some areas may be restricted .


theusahouse does not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 13. If you are below 13 years old , please do read any relevant . content on this blog to get the information you need , but do not engage with the content or perform any other actions that could lead to your submission of personal data . We encourage parents and guardians to monitor their children’s internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children . never to provide personal data without their permission . If you know or have reasons to believe that theusahouse has collected data from anyone under 13 , please get in touch with us using the contact details below for removal .


The information in this section applies to individuals covered by the General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR ) . Therefore , references to ” you ” and ” your ” in this section refer only to those covered by GDPR . The GDPR , which took effect on May 25 , 2018 , provides privacy rights for those inside the European Economic Area .

If you reside in a country inside the European Economic Area ( EEA ) , under the GDPR and applicable data protection laws , you have the right to access your data , have us correct or erase it , restrict its further processing , and / or withdraw your consent to its use , among other things . If you wish to access , correct , or delete your personal data maintained by us or third parties related to advertising on the site , you can reach us at . If you are in the European Economic Area ( EEA ) , please contact your local data protection authority in the EEA for more information .


The information in this section applies to the residents of California . Therefore , references to ” you ” and ” your ” in this section refer only to residents of California . California law gives residents the right to opt out of the ” sale ” of their personal information to third parties . Under California law , sharing your information with a service provider for advertising purposes could be considered a ” sale . “

The California Consumer Protection Act ( CCPA ) , which took effect on January 1 , 2020 , provides various privacy rights for residents of California , such as the right to know about the information we collect from you , the right to delete it , the right to opt out , and right to non discrimination . To opt out of sharing your information for advertising purposes , click the opt out link provided in the footer of this page .


theusahouse reserves the right to occasionally change , modify amend this privacy statement at any time . When we do , we will also revise the ” last updated ” date at the top of this Privacy Policy page . We encourage you to review this privacy policy periodically to stay informed on any updates regarding the security of your information . Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will .