self help

11 signs of a fake friend

When you have a good friend in your life, your life becomes heaven, but if you have a fake friend in your life, then they will try to make your life hell. A true friend will make you happy; he will motivate you; he will energize you. But a fake friend will drain all your energy; he will demotivate you; he will make you feel negative; he will frustrate you. He will just take all the peace out of your mind.

So if you feel something like that with any of your friends, then it can be a signs of a fake friend, and it is better to maintain some distance if you have a fake friend. This will be better for you and your mental health. So I am going to discuss a few points by which you can identify signs of a fake friend. So let’s begin.

1.) They’re jealous of you. (signs of a fake friend)

signs of a fake friend

The first sign of a fake friend is that they get jealous of you. A fake friend will only be with you because he wants something from you; they are only your friend because they want something from you, either any type of help or anything that they cannot do, but you can do. So they will be only your friends until you give them what they want.

And when you will be better at something in which they are not better, they will feel jealous of you, like if you are a student, and when you score good marks, your fake friend will get jealous, and when he sees you studying, he will try to divert from studying and do other work because they don’t want to see you studying; they don’t want you to move ahead of you.

2.) You are always there for help, but they are not. (signs of a fake friend)

Another important signs of a fake friend, though, and I also know that one of my friends was a fake friend, is that you are always ready for them to help, but when you ask for the help, they will make excuses.

If you want to identify a fake friend, try this method: ask for any type of help in which he has to sacrifice some time and see if they are helping you or not. You will always be there for them, and you will leave your other work to help them, but they will not do the same if this is the situation.

3.) They are disrespectful. (signs of a fake friend)

signs of a fake friend

They will talk very sweetly and well with you till you obey them and do their work, but when you reject their opinion or any work, then you will see their real face; they will become disrespectful with you, and they will talk to you in different ways. Their way of speaking will change whenever you reject any kind of work or when you tell them to do something.

4.) They will put you down for your opinion or your belief. (signs of a fake friend)

Another sign of a fake friend is that he or she will always try to make himself superior and will put you down. Whenever you try to give any opinion on any matter, they will reject your opinion, out flaws in it, and ultimately make you feel down.

They will try to make their opinion superior to yours. So if you notice this type of behavior in your friend, then he must not be your true friend because a true friend will always support your opinion, and if there is any flaw in your opinion, he will not put you down; he will just tell you that your opinion is good, but it can be even better if you add this.

5.) They will make fun of you for your mistake. (signs of a fake friend)

your friend is a true friend

Another sign of a fake friend is that they will always make fun of you for your mistake; they will over exaggerate your mistake and make you feel down for your mistake, but a true friend will never feel down for your mistake. They can make fun of you for a while, but they will also take care that you don’t feel bad about your mistake. They will encourage you to move on because mistakes happen only to human beings.

6.) They will not make equal efforts to maintain friendship. (signs of a fake friend)

A fake friend will not make equal effort to maintain friendship; it is only you who first talk with them or tell them to go on an outing, and they will only talk to you first whenever they need your help; otherwise, they will not make the first effort to talk to you. If it is only you who are trying to make the friendship stronger and there is no effort from the other side, then it is an indication that your friend is a fake friend.

6.) They get upset when you tell them “no.” (signs of a fake friend)

If there is no freedom in the friendship, then that friendship is not good. A healthy friendship is free from obligation; it is driven by free choices and not any kind of fear; it is driven by freedom and honesty.

If they upset you or talk to you in a rude manner whenever you say no to something, then it is not a healthy friendship. When they say no to you, you have no problem, but at any point when you say no to them, they will get offended and take it to their ego. So it is better to get away from this kind of friendship.

7.) They’re competitive with you. (signs of a fake friend)

A fake friend will always try to be better than you in front of others; they will make you feel down and will try to make themselves better than you in any situation, but a true friend will never do this; he will never make you feel smaller than himself.

Although he will be richer than you, he will also take full care that you do not feel down in front of him. A fake friend, on the other hand, will always try to make himself bigger than you. Even if he is not richer or more intelligent than you, he will make himself richer and more intelligent than you.

8.) They aren’t there for you.

You may have heard this quote: A hard time reveals a true friend. So if your friend is not there for you in your hard time unless there is an emergency for him, then he may not be your true friend. A true friend will always be there for you in your hard times, but a fake friend will always hide his face in your hard times.

9.) They will not keep your secret.

A fake friend will always share your secret with others. They will manipulate you to say something about your secret by promising you that they will not share your secret with anyone, but they will share your secret with others.

And they don’t share their secret with you. If your friend shares his secret things with you, then you can trust him that he is your true friend, and he will also accept you as his true friend. A person will only share things in which he has full trust and is confident that he will not share my secret with others, so if any of your friends share their secret talks with you, then he can be a true friend, and you can trust him.

10.) They judge you.

A fake friend will always judge your opinion, thoughts, and beliefs, and they will make their opinion, thought, and belief superior to yours, but a true friend will never judge you on your thoughts and beliefs; they will respect your beliefs, thoughts, and opinions.

11.) They peer pressure you.

A fake friend will always encourage you to behave in a certain way that he likes; he will encourage you to believe in certain things, so if your friend is doing something like this, then he may be your fake friend. Peer pressure can occur directly or indirectly in any type of social situation.


A fake friend can negatively impact your life, and you have to surround yourself with the right people because this will be good for your mental health. If your mental health is good, you will do your work properly, but if you have a fake friend, you will always get frustrated because of him, and you will not be able to focus on your work.

So it is very important to surround yourself with people who love you, who support you, who encourage you to do something good in life, and who are always there for you whenever you need their help. So try your best to not make a fake friend, and if you already have one, you can ignore it as much as possible.

What do I do if you find yourself in a fake friendship?

If you have realized that you are in a fake friendship, you might be hurt and thinking about how to get away from a fake friendship. So first you get relax because it is not only you who have fake friend now the solution is that first you don’t need to completely break your friendship with that person, but now you must be aware and act if he tells you to do somethings than you don’t act according to him, and talk to him only when there is any necessary otherwise you also don’t talk to him, 

you must have to set boundaries with your fake friend and slowly slowly break your friendship with that person and if he asks why you are breaking friendship or why you are behaving like this than you can explain to him his negative habit that you don’t like for example if he talks bad about you to other than you can tell this or if you don’t like his way of talking to you tell this so like this way stay away from that person and be with good person who are your true friends.

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