self help

20 Things that boys like in a girl

You might be thinking that what are the things that boys like in a girl? I may assume that you like a guy, and that’s why you are here to let us know about the things that a guy likes in a girl. Attracting a guy is easy as compared to attracting a girl, and you might be thinking that only the looks and figure matter to the guy, but it’s not true.

Most of the boys are easily attracted to the girls, but there are some guys who are not easily attracted to the girls just by their physical appearance. There are many other factors that matter for that type of guy who doesn’t get easily attracted to the girls, so we will discuss those factors or things that boys like in a girl and find attractive.

1.) Kindness. (Things that boys like in a girl)

Kindness is something that everyone likes, and it’s also the same case with the guys. If a girl is kind and generous and they behave in a rude way, other than boys, they find this very attractive in the girl. For example, if a beggar comes to a girl, some girls will move away from them because their clothes are dirty, but if a girl gives them some help if they want or gives them some food to eat, a guy will be attracted to that girl who shows the kind gesture toward the beggar. So be kind. It’s not just about impressing a guy; it’s also about your good behavior.

2.) Your smile (Things that boys like in a girl)

Things that boys like in a girl

Your bright smile can turn a stranger’s face toward you, and it has the ability to turn a stranger into a friend, so always keep a positive smile on your face. This creates a welcoming gesture, and if that guy also likes you, he will be motivated to talk to you. If you want to create a feeling for you in any guy, then just look into his eye and smile. Definitely, that guy is going to think about you at night.

3.) Confidence (Things that boys like in a girl)

The next thing that attracts a guy is confidence. If a girl has confidence in doing her work and she talks with the teacher in the class with confidence, that will attract the guy, who may have seen a girl who asks many questions or gives answers in the class. Many guys are attracted to that girl, so if you are not confident, you can build the confidence by faking it, and then you will make it. For example, if you start in a straight position, this shows that you are confident, and dressing well will make you feel confident from the inside.

So confidence makes you attractive; it doesn’t matter what your height, size, or color.

4.) Smell. (Things that boys like in a girl)

Things that boys like in a girl

Boys get very attracted to nice fragrances; they may not notice your makeup or the lipsticks that you have applied, but they will definitely notice you if you have applied a beautiful perfume that smells nice to you. So whenever you go out, apply a perfume so that it smells nice to you and the guy who is around you.

But if you have an allergy to the perfume or don’t like to apply it, you can skip this.

5.) Goals and ambition (Things that boys like in a girl)

Things that boys like in a girl

Having a fun, ambitious, and goal-oriented personality makes you more attractive. For example, participating in school or college activities like singing, dancing, or making art makes the guys more attracted to you or your love to read books. This also makes the guy attractive, especially when the guy is also a book lover.

6.) Flirty behavior (Things that boys like in a girl)

Things that boys like in a girl

Where girls don’t like the flirty behavior, but in the case of boys, it is opposite for most guys. If some girls are doing flirty behavior with them and they feel very happy when some girls flirt with them, either they like that girl or not, the flirting behavior includes making eye contact with the guys and smiling. Whenever you see that guy wave at him, and when you talk with them, lean toward them, play with your hair, listen to the things that they are saying, and just keep a smile on your lips.

7.) Give a compliment. (Things that boys like in a girl)

You may get lots of compliments from your loved one, from your friend, and also from many guys, but guys rarely get compliments, even though they look good, so if you give a compliment to the guy, they feel very good about it, like you can give a compliment to the dress they were wearing or to their hairstyle. They are definitely going to love your compliment.

But don’t give false compliments or over compliments; otherwise, they will feel that you are teasing them, and they don’t like it if someone gives the false compliment because they overthink about that.

8.) Ask the guy to share if they have any problems. (Things that boys like in a girl)

Things that boys like in a girl

Boys mostly don’t tell their problems to anyone; they keep them to themselves, and they try to find their problems themselves. That is why today many guys are facing the problems of depression and anxiety, but the girls have their friends to whom they can talk all the stuff or they can share their problems with their father and mother, but for most of the boys, it is hard to discuss their problems with their father and mother.

And another advantage is that a girl can cry if she is having any problems, but for guys, it is hard to cry because, from childhood, they taught that it’s not the work of the girl to cry. So if some girls ask a boy if everything’s going well in their life and if they have any problems, they can discuss them with them. If any girl does this, the guy will find this very attractive, and they will think that you are someone who cares about them. And they will surely love talking to you.

9.) Sense of humor (Things that boys like in a girl)

Guys like someone with whom their sense of humor matches, so if a guy cracks a joke in front of you, then you must laugh at their jokes, whether you understand the joke or not, because they will feel that their sense of humor matches with you, and they like the person with whom their sense of humor matches.

10.) Common interest (Things that boys like in a girl)

Find the common interest between you and that guy so that you can talk for a long time on that interest, and you both will enjoy talking to each other if you talk in the common interest, but if you talk on a topic in which one is interested and another is not, then there will be just one way talking, which means only one will talk and the other will just listen, and this will not make the conversation interesting, and the guy will get bored and will move from that place.

So in order to make the conversation more interesting, pick the topic in which both of you have knowledge and both of you have an interest in that topic. For example, if you both like reading novels, you can both talk about them. This will make the conversation interesting, and that guy will also enjoy talking to you.

11.) Outfit (Things that boys like in a girl)

Things that boys like in a girl

Your outfit matters a lot, so if you dress well for that guy and apply a good perfume, then that guy is surely going to notice you, and if you wear his favorite color, that’s like a cherry on the cake to attract a guy because guys are very simple; they’re just attracted to the simple things you do for them, but for a boy to attract a girl, it’s very tough. It’s not easy for the guy to attract a girl, but it’s easy for a girl to attract a guy.

12.) Listen to what they say. (Things that boys like in a girl)

Ya, I know girls talk a lot, but if you want to attract a guy, make him talk about himself and listen to the words they say. If you have any questions related to what they say, you can also ask them. This will make them feel that you are listening to them carefully and that you really care about what they say.

13.) Touch while talking. (Things that boys like in a girl)

Things that boys like in a girl

Guys are so obsessed when any girl touches them while talking, and they find this very cute, so if you want to impress a guy, you can touch that guy while talking to him, like you can touch his arm while talking with them or you can lean on their shoulder while talking with them. Or you can also tap on their head when they make any mistake. Guys find it very cute when a girl does this.

14.) Showing you think about them. (Things that boys like in a girl)

If you show that you really think about them, then this thing looks very attractive to a guy. For example, if you send them a message at random asking them how they are doing, this will make them feel special that someone is there who thinks about them and cares about them. So if you make them feel special, then they are definitely going to get attracted to you. So once in a while, leave a message to them, like good morning, or you can just send a good meme.

15.) Eye contact (Things that boys like in a girl)

Things that boys like in a girl

It doesn’t matter what you wear or how you are; eye contact will always be attractive. If you make direct eye contact with a guy, he is going to fall in your eye and forget the world around him. Don’t remove your eye if she is also looking into your eye; just look into his eye, and your eye will do all the magic.

This is the most attractive thing that a guy likes, and it will leave him speechless, and he is going to think about you all day.

16.) Shampoo smell (Things that boys like in a girl)

May be most of the girls don’t know about this, but for the boy, the smell of the freshly washed hair with the shampoo is the biggest turn-on point for a guy, and the guy will become crazy if he smells the washed hair of the girl.

So if you want guys to fall crazy for you, just wash your hair, go sit near him, and make eye contact with him. He is surely going to fall in love with you.

17.) Blushing (Things that boys like in a girl)

Guys find it very cute when a girl blushes or is shy around them, so if you are talking to a guy and you are blushing around that guy, this is going to make the situation more romantic and beautiful, which will help you attack the guy in your love.

18.) Give them a special name. (Things that boys like in a girl)

Guy, like when any girl gives them a special name and calls them with that name, this makes them feel special and will create a special place in their heart for you. For example, you can call that guy whom you want to attack by calling him “baby” or “dear friend,” or you can also call him by saying “my hero.” If you call a guy with all these types of names, this will make the guy feel special and he will be attracted toward you.

19.) An adventurous girl (Things that boys like in a girl)

A guy like a girl who is adventurous means a girl who is ready to do new activities and learn something new to improve herself, like traveling to new places, learning to drive the car, or doing other activities that most girls don’t do, like traveling to new places alone, doing hacking, going to the mountains, etc.


So these are the things that boys like in a girl, and it is not necessary that you have all the things in order to impress a guy. If you have a few things from above, then the boys are going to attack you. Even if you don’t do anything that is mentioned above, some guys are going to attract you because a guy doesn’t see many things to fall in love with the girl. If you have a good heart, then also the guys are going to fall in love with you.

But your main focus should be to attack the goal, not the guy, because once you have achieved the goal, the guys will be automatically attracted to you, so your first focus should be on your goal. If you like somebody, you can give it a try, but you must keep in mind that he can reject you. If you already prepare your mind like that, you will not be affected much if he leaves you.



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