self help

20 things that girls like in a boy.

Almost all the boys have thought about this—what are the things that girls like in a boy?—and I know you are curious about it. Every girl is different, and their perspective on looking at a boy is also different, but there is some general character that almost every girl likes in a boy, and others depend on girl to girl. So let’s begin the topic of what a girl likes in a boy.

1.) Communication skills. (things that girls like in a boy)

things that girls like in a boy

You may think that looks matter the most, but it is not like that. You may have seen many guys who don’t have good looks, but then also, if girls are attracted to him, you may have a better face than that boy. Also, girls get attracted to that boy, so you have thought about why this happens. That guy must have good communication skills, which is why girls are more attracted to him than to you.

So the first thing you have to focus on is your communication skills. Don’t get nervous while talking to girls; they are not alien and are also just like you and your friend, so talk to them just like you talk to your friends, but it doesn’t mean that you talk in abusive language. Just like you talk with your friend,

talk with them in a friendly way, and see the result. They will also feel good while talking to you, and if other girls see that you are talking to a particular girl, they will also join you to talk with you.

2.) Be honest with them. (things that girls like in a boy)

Girls like honest boys. If a girl asks you any type of question or any type of suggestion, be honest with them. Don’t ever tell a lie to impress a girl because whenever she knows the truth, she will never trust you again and you will lose the respect in her eyes. So be honest with the girl.

For example, if a girl asks you do you know to play guitar and to impress her, you say a lie to him. You don’t know to play the guitar, but just to impress her, you say that yes, I know to play the guitar. If in the future she tells you to play the guitar in front of her, you will feel very shame and you will lose the self-respect in her eyes.

3.) Be a leader. (things that girls like in a boy)

things that girls like in a boy

Girls like the guys who are mature and take responsibility for things. They feel very attracted to the guys who take command of every situation and handle any difficult situation with ease because they feel that they will be secure with that guy, and so they get easily attracted to the guys who are mature and take responsibility for things, so always try to become a leader.

4.) sense of humor. (things that girls like in a boy)

Girls like a boy with a good sense of humor or a boy with whom their humor matches, so a good relationship is not serious; there are lots of jokes involved in that, and that makes the relationship more enjoyable, so try to match the humor with the girl because a girl enjoys a lot with the person

with whom their humor matches, so try to crack the jokes during the conversation whenever you talk with a girl, but it doesn’t mean that you should crack the jokes when any important or serious conversation is going on, so you have to find the spot where you can crack the joke that is only called the sense of humor.

5.) You have to look clean. (things that girls like in a boy)

(things that girls like in a boy)

Girls are concerned with their cleanliness. Being neat and clean matters a lot, so you must look neat and clean whenever you approach a girl. For example, you should look well groomed.

You should cut your nails.
should be neat and clean, and it should be properly ironed. This will make you look clean and attractive because these are the little things a girl notices in a boy. For boys, it may not matter, but for girls, it matters a lot.

6.) You must smell good. (things that girls like in a boy)

Smell matters a lot, and it is for boys and girls alike. You may also have noticed that when a girl smells good, you get attracted to that girl, and it is the same with the girls.

If a boy is neat and clean and applies a good perfume, then she will definitely get attracted to that boy, so you must apply a good perfume. It should not be too strong; it should be a light and good fragrance because some girls are allergic to strong fragrances, so you should apply a good and light perfume.

7.) Keep a beautiful smile on your face. (things that girls like in a boy)

(things that girls like in a boy)

Girls like the boys who look happy and cute, so don’t make your face rude whenever you are around the girls because this will show that you have attitude and a lot of arrogance, and girls don’t like the guys who have arrogance or have anger issues. So you must keep a positive smile with you. This will make you look like a good and positive person, which a girl likes in a boy, so keep smiling.

8.) Making them feel special. (things that girls like in a boy)

Girls like when someone makes them feel special, like your small gesture can make the girls feel special. This includes opening the gate for that girl, moving the chair to sit with her, or asking her for any favor if she is in any trouble. Small things make the girls feel special, and when you make any girl feel special, naturally she will be attracted to you.

9.) Make her feel that you think about her. (things that girls like in a boy)

(things that girls like in a boy)

A girl feels good. If she knows that someone is thinking about her, you can do this by texting her with a good message, like Hey, how are you? This will make her feel good, but don’t send long romantic love quotes because this will not create a good image of you. So you can just send some memes or text asking her how she is, which will show that you care about her and that you remember her.

10.) Be a good listener. (things that girls like in a boy)

You know that girls talk a lot, and they need a person who just listens to them when they are having bad days, so be a good listener when a girl is talking to you. Don’t interrupt in the middle; they are saying something; this will irritate them, so let them finish their taking before you tell them what you have to say.

And you must listen to their words with the proper attention so that you can ask anything related to them in the future. This will show the girl that you are actively listening to them, and this will build trust between you and your friend.

11.) Be good with the animals. (things that girls like in a boy)

Most of the girls love the pets, and they feel very attractive with the guys who love the pet or who behave well with the pets, so whenever you say a pet, like a dog or cow, go and feed them something, and when a girl sees this, they will find it very cute and attractive. So if you want to win the hearts of the girls, then become the pet lover. And if you are already, then show these things to the girls that you are a pet lover.

12.) Be goal-driven. (things that girls like in a boy)

Girls like the boys who think about the future and plan for the future rather than just playing video games and watching movies Girls like when some guys discuss their ideas with them, like what they will do in the future and how they
will achieve them. So girls don’t like the guys who are just wasting their lives doing unnecessary stuff; they like the guys who are goal-driven.

13.) Don’t be a playboy. (things that girls like in a boy)

(things that girls like in a boy)

Playboys are those who just attract girls, make them girlfriends, have sex with them, and then break up with them. So don’t be this type of guy; be a good and genuine guy.

Don’t just make a girl your friend just to have sex with them, because if you do, that girl will find out that you are just talking with them so that you can have sex with them, and they will make distance from you, and they will tell other girls also to make the distance from you, and hence you will lose all the respect.

So talk with the girl with the genuine interest that you care about them, and in the future, if she is comfortable with you, she will give you a signal to have the sex because they are also human beings.

They also have feelings, but they will agree to all these things if they fully trust you, so be a good friend of her.
And don’t ever leave her after you have had sex with her because this will have a very bad impact on your life. I repeat, never do this.

14.) Be confident. (things that girls like in a boy)

Girls, like the guys who are confident, should be confident however they look because looks matter only up to certain limits, but if you are confident, that is the most attractive thing. Don’t try to become what you are; do not be yourself; however, be in your true nature; don’t try to adopt the habits of other people.

15.) Independent (things that girls like in a boy)

Girls like the guys who are independent mean they are ready to do things alone if no one is supporting them. For example, if a guy wants to start a startup but his friends and family are not supporting him, the guy walks alone in his path and he proves himself at the end. These things attract the girls.

It is very important that you are not dependent on someone else to do the things for you; it is just you that have to take the responsibility of your life.

16.) Self-respect (things that girls like in a boy)

If you are wondering what the thing that girls like in a boy is, it is self-respect, which means respecting yourself first. For you, self-respect matters the most. If you cannot compromise with self-respect, then this thing attracts the most to a girl because if a person has self-respect, he will also respect the girl with whom he will be. So you must learn to respect yourself first, no matter what the situation is.

17.) Helping nature (things that girls like in a boy)

(things that girls like in a boy)
A girl is attracted to a boy who has a helping nature, which means that he helps others when he sees someone in need. For example, if an elderly lady is unable to cross the street and you assist her in doing so, she will be drawn to you.

18.) You know how to cook. (things that girls like in a boy)

If you are the guy who knows how to cook, then this is going to give you an edge in attracting girls because the girls like the guy who knows how to cook because this makes the girl feel that they are not the only ones who know how to cook food, and they feel very good if they come to know that you can also prepare food for them because it is not only the girl’s responsibility to cook the food for the boys; it should be the responsibility of both.

19.) Respect her. (things that girls like in a boy)

Girls like the guys who give them respect, and in turn, they also give respect to guys, so be respectful when you are talking with a girl, whether she is younger or older. You must learn to give respect.

20.) Support her dreams and desires. (things that girls like in a boy)

(things that girls like in a boy)
A girl like a guy who supports her dreams and the desire because most people don’t support the dreams of the girls, but if you are not from that, most of the people that don’t support the girls desire, then you are very unique and attractive for the girls, and if you also support them in achieving their goal and desire by providing them with the proper knowledge and guidance, that will definitely attract a girl.


So these are the basic things that a girl likes in a boy, but it is not like that all the things you must have than only a girl will be attractive to you if you have a few of them mentioned above, it’s fine, and you can work on the other areas that don’t have them in you. And it’s ok if girls are not attracted to you.

There are many things in life, and don’t forget that you have a mother and father, and you have to fulfill their dream by earning money because a girl will not give you money to feed your family; you have to work for that. Once you have money and a well-settled life, a girl will automatically attract you.

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